Carbon Nanotubes soldered with SEM and visualized with 3D multiple layer SEM software

3D visualization of the surface measured with scanning electron microscope (SEM).

Advanced multiple layer visualization provides researcher many 3D surfaces in one screen for detailed comparison of the samples.

ScienceGL Inc. has developed multiple layer visualization engine that lets the scientist to analyze several microscopy images in one interactive 3D screen. This feature helps researcher to compare changes in sample in real time.

Soldering of Crossing Multi-Walled Nanotubes. Deposition of electrically conductive amorphous carbon onto the junction of two crossing nanotubes by exposing the junction to an electron beam in a scanning electron microscope.

Electron beam welds nanotubes. Carbon Nanotubes measured and soldered with scanning electron microscope (SEM).
Bottom: two crossing multi-walled nanotubes. Top: "Soldering" the junction by irradiation in a scanning electron microscope. Hydrocarbon contamination on the tubes migrates into the irradiated area and transforms to immobile amorphous or graphitic carbon. SEM Data courtesy Prof. Dr. Florian Banhart, Institute of Physical Chemistry, University of Mainz, Germany.

Crossing multiwalled carbon nanotubes are connected by irradiating the junction in a scanning electron microscope. The aggregation of hydrocarbons and successive transformation into amorphous carbon under the electron beam is used to solder nanotubes and to make a mechanical junction. Transmission electron microscopy is carried out to study the graphitization of the junction under further irradiation or annealing.

Publication: F. Banhart, "The formation of a connection between carbon nanotubes in an electron beam" . Nano Letters 1, 3289 (2001)

More articles by Florian Banhart

Further publications related to nanotubes:
F. Banhart, "Formation and transformation of carbon nanoparticles under electron irradiation", Philosophical Transactions A 362, 2205-2222 (2004).

J.X. Li and F. Banhart, "The engineering of hot carbon nanotubes with an electron beam", Nano Letters 4, 1143-1146 (2004).

A. Krüger, M. Ozawa and F. Banhart, "Carbon nanotubes as elements to focus electron beams by Fresnel diffraction", Applied Physics Letters 83, 5056-5058 (2003).

A. Krasheninnikov, K. Nordlund, J. Keinonen and F. Banhart, "Ion irradiation-induced welding of carbon nanotubes", Physical Review B 66 245403 (2002).

M. Yoon, S. Han, G. Kim, S. Lee, S. Berber, E. Osawa, J. Ihm, M. Terrones, F. Banhart, J.–C. Charlier, N. Grobert, H. Terrones, P. M. Ajayan and D. Tománek, "Zipper mechanism of nanotube fusion: theory and experiment", Physical Review Letters 92, 075504 (2004)

F. Banhart, J.X. Li and A.V. Krasheninnikov, "Carbon nanotubes under electron irradiation: stability of tubes and action as pipes for atom transport ", Physical Review B 71, 241408 (2005).

F. Banhart, J.X. Li and M. Terrones, "Cutting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes with an Electron Beam: Evidence for Atom Migration Inside Nanotubes", Small 1, 953 (2005).

A. V. Krasheninnikov, F. Banhart, J. X. Li, A.S. Foster and R. M. Nieminen, "Stability of carbon nanotubes under electron irradiation: the role of tube diameter and chirality", Physical Review B 72, 125428 (2005).

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